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Diagram for 01 - Cover Sheet
01 - Cover Sheet
Diagram for 02 - Color Variation Parts
02 - Color Variation Parts
Diagram for 03 - Case, Gearing And Planetary Unit Parts
03 - Case, Gearing And Planetary Unit Parts
Diagram for 04 - Motor And Control Unit Parts
04 - Motor And Control Unit Parts
Diagram for 05 - Base And Pedestal Unit Parts
05 - Base And Pedestal Unit Parts

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Manufacturer: Whirlpool

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Diagram # Part # Description Series Availability Ships Price Add to Cart
1 W10607824 Motor Housing (frosted Azure) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1A W10382712 Motor Housing (black Storm) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1J W10703460 Motor Housing (sea Glass) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1K W10342528 Motor Housing (sugar Pearl Silver) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1L W10564355 Motor Housing (toffee) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1M W10564354 Motor Housing (blueberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1N 9705243 Motor Housing (caviar) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 68.88
1O W10754815 Motor Housing (champagne) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1B W10239115 Motor Housing (candy Apple) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 58.90
1C W10342527 Motor Housing (electric Blue) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1D W10477204 Motor Housing (frosted Pearl) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 58.90
1E W10572197 Motor Housing (grenadine) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1F W10384490 Motor Housing (cafe Latte) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1G W10572196 Motor Housing (plumberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1H W10128417 Motor Housing (pearl Metallic) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
1I W10384420 Motor Housing (raspberry Ice) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 58.90
2 W10405178 Trim Band (dark Platinum) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 24.85
3 W10607811 End Cover (frosted Azure) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3A W10382849 End Cover (black Storm) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3B WPW10239110 End Cover (candy Apple)   (Replaces: W10239110) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 16.15
3C W10342506 End Cover (electric Blue) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3D W10477198 End Cover (frosted Pearl) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3E W10572184 End Cover (grenadine) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3F W10384495 End Cover (cafe Latte) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3G W10572183 End Cover (plumberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3H WPW10128412 End Cover (pearl Metallic)   (Replaces: W10128412) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 17.32
3I W10384429 End Cover (raspberry Ice) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3J W10703454 End Cover (sea Glass) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 27.88
3K W10342507 End Cover (sugar Pearl Silver) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3L W10564337 End Cover (toffee) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
3M W10564336 End Cover (blueberry) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 27.88
3N 9705241 End Cover (caviar) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.26
3O W10754809 End Cover (champagne) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 27.88
4 W10607813 Planetary (frosted Azure) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 28.43
4A W10382847 Planetary (black Storm) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 26.29
4B W10239112 Planetary (candy Apple) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 26.29
4C W10342513 Planetary (electric Blue) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 26.29
4D W10477206 Planetary (frosted Pearl) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 26.29
4E W10572189 Planetary (grenadine) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 26.29
4F W10384493 Planetary (cafe Latte) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 26.29
4G W10572188 Planetary (plumberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 28.43
4H W10128414 Planetary (pearl Metallic) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 26.29
4I W10384425 Planetary (raspberry Ice) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 26.29
4J W10703456 Planetary (sea Glass) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 28.43
4K W10342514 Planetary (sugar Pearl Silver) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 26.29
4L W10564343 Planetary (toffee) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 28.43
4M W10564342 Planetary (blueberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 28.43
4N 9705244 Planetary (caviar) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 25.88
4O W10754811 Planetary (champagne) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 28.43
5 W10607815 Lower Gearcase (frosted Azure) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5A W10382395 Lower Gearcase (black Storm) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5B W10239118 Lower Gearcase (candy Apple) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5C W10342533 Lower Gearcase (electric Blue) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 43.04
5D W10477200 Lower Gearcase (frosted Pearl) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5E W10572193 Lower Gearcase (grenadine) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5F W10384487 Lower Gearcase (cafe Latte) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 37.72
5G W10572192 Lower Gearcase (plumberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5H W10128420 Lower Gearcase (pearl Metallic) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5I W10384415 Lower Gearcase (raspberry Ice) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5J W10703458 Lower Gearcase (sea Glass) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5K W10342534 Lower Gearcase (sugar Pearl Silver) Special Order 3 to 10 Days $ 43.04
5L W10564349 Lower Gearcase (toffee) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5M W10564348 Lower Gearcase (blueberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
5N 9706911 Lower Gearcase (caviar) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 36.62
5O W10754813 Lower Gearcase (champagne) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 37.72
6 W10607812 Pedestal With Feet (frosted Azure) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6A W10739333 Pedestal With Feet (black Storm) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6B W10239121 Pedestal With Feet (candy Apple) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6C W10342540 Pedestal With Feet (electric Blue) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6D W10606159 Pedestal With Feet (frosted Pearl) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6E W10572187 Pedestal With Feet (grenadine) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6F W10739342 Pedestal With Feet (cafe Latte) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6G W10572186 Pedestal With Feet (plumberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6H W10739353 Pedestal With Feet (pearl Metallic) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6I W10392122 Pedestal With Feet (raspberry Ice) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6J W10703455 Pedestal With Feet (sea Glass) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6K W10342541 Pedestal With Feet (sugar Pearl Silver) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6L W10564340 Pedestal With Feet (toffee) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6M W10564339 Pedestal With Feet (blueberry) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45
6N 9705237 Pedestal With Feet (caviar) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 61.77
6O W10754810 Pedestal With Feet (champagne) In-Stock (Ven) 1 to 5 Days $ 54.45

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Diagram for KSM154GBQ2TF0